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Deskripsi 3m mercury vapor chlorine acid gas cartridge 6009,refill filter
Use with 3M Half and Full Facepieces 6000,7000 and FF-400
Mercury vapor and chlorine cartridge
Equipped with passive End of Service Life Indicator (ESLI)
Swept-back design for enhanced field of view and balance
Use with 3M Reusable Respirators -
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Helm Safety Ultra tahan terhadap benturan yang mengenai kepala pemakai. Dilengkapi dengan Inner helm dengan tali dagu. Direkomendasikan bagi anda yang sedang mencari helm kualitas baik namun harga tetap terjangkau.
Ø Fitur : Inner + Tali Dagu
Ø Bahan : Plastik, Nylon
Ø Ketebalan : Menengah
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3M Full Face Masker Respirator mudah digunakan dan nyaman dipakai. Kombinasikan dengan berbagai double filter 3M atau double Cartridges untuk memberikan perlindungan pernapasan terhadap partikulat dan berbagai gas dan uap. respirator memberikan tingkat maksimum perlindungan bila digunakan dan dikombinasikan dengan item yang tepat. Disetujui untuk AS / NZS 1716.
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Cleanroom Sticky Mats
Controlled environment cleanroom sticky mats need to be stored horizontally and must be stacked with care. When stored vertically or with heavy objects on top of them, the tacky film can become damaged. Damaged film can be spotted in the form of bubbles and veins. These bubbles and veins cause the mat to have an irregular surface, which leads to delamination of the mat from the floor. Be aware of the environment you store your tacky mats in. Extreme cold hardens the adhesive on the mat and renders it ineffective. This will not cause permanent damage to the adhesive, but the mat must have a chance to “warm up” before being placed. Extreme heat, however, will break down the adhesive and cause permanent damage. Temperatures above 80 degrees can melt the adhesive, and if they are stored vertically, the adhesive will begin to run.