ExStik Refillable pH Meter (PH110)


Refillable pH electrode that can be reused by refilling the reference solution once it depletes

Obtains continuous high accuracy using fresh reference solution

Fast and easy steps to refill your electrode

Eliminates the concern of electrode shelf life

1, 2 or 3 point calibration automatically recognizes buffer solutions. Order pH buffers separately

Complete with refillable pH electrode, 1.5mL bottle KCI, 2 reference junctions, 2 removal tools, protective cap, sample cup, four 3V CR-2032 batteries, and 48″ (1.2m) neckstrap


Range pH0.00 to 14.00pH
Temperature 23° to 194°F (-5 to 90°C)
Max Resolution 0.01pH, 0.1°
Basic Accuracy ±0.01pH, ±1.8°F/1°C
Memory 15 readings

Berat 1 kg
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